
ICBC OH&S Survey Driver Examiners I, II and Supervisor Driver Examiners

December 6, 2017

To: All Driver Examiners I, II and Supervisor Driver Examiners at ICBC

MoveUP is conducting an important survey regarding health and safety in your specific work. The results will be critical to help your union and health and safety committees to identify and fix some of the hazards you face during work. We ask that every Driver Examiner and Supervisor Driver Examiners take the time to complete the survey by December 22, 2017. 

Wishing you and your family a safe and joyous holiday season,

In Solidarity


Annette Toth


File Number: 17-ICBC-BLTN-Survey-OHS-Driver Examiners I,II and Supervisors-Dec6
Union Label: AT/ae:usw2009


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