
ICBC – Inclement Weather

January 31, 2025

To: All MoveUP Members at ICBC

Winter has been relatively mild this year, thankfully. Nonetheless, we are taking this opportunity to remind everyone to plan ahead should we experience inclement weather causing road conditions to become more challenging and unpredictable.

What you need to keep in mind, especially when there is advanced warning of impending inclement weather, is to make alternative plans to ensure your safe travel to work over and above what your typical commute would entail. This may include requesting to work from home (if your work allows it), using public transit, starting your day much earlier than normal, or arranging to work closer to home at an alternate work location. It is recommended that you pre-approve your alternative plans to attend work with your manager, particularly if it involves working at an alternate work location.

Should you be unable to attend work due to inclement weather, you need to have taken reasonable steps to legitimately attempt to attend work prior to requesting special leave coding for your absence on such days. Individual circumstances will be considered by the corporation should you find yourself unable to attend work due to inclement weather. However, you are expected to have developed and made a very real attempt to execute your alternative plan(s) to get to work on such days.

We understand that the corporation’s policy on inclement weather allows for the use of vacation or TO days to account for absences due to inclement weather and that these requests need to be reviewed by your manager. If you elect to take advantage of this offer should it be made, it is within the rights of your manager to approve or deny.

Depending on the extraordinary or unforeseen weather conditions in your geographic location and its subsequent impact on your commute to work, the corporation will want to know the specifics of your situation and will look at your honest attempt to plan ahead. They will also look at whether you tried your utmost to follow your backup plan(s) and what happened if they were unsuccessful in order to provide you with time off with pay under Article 19.02 – Special Leave. Should your request be denied despite taking all reasonable steps including, but not limited to, those mentioned above, document your specific situation and reach out to your local job steward for guidance.

Stay safe,

Yudon Garie, Union Representative
Cathy Royle, Union Representative
Ronnie Ho, Union Representative
Dora Wong, Union Representative
Sara Colliss, Union Representative
Georgi Bates, Union Representative

File Number: 25-ICBC-BLTN-Inclement Weather-Jan 31
Union Label: TH:skm usw 2009


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