
ICBC – Extreme Heat Information

July 9, 2024

To: All MoveUP Members at ICBC

As we get deeper into summer, we are seeing a return to higher temperatures and heat waves especially in BC but in other provinces as well. Working during heatwaves can give rise to further health challenges and your union wants to make sure that you stay safe.

We recognize that all our members are working hard to help customers and clients, but this cannot be at the risk of your own health.

Most employers should have a high heat plan. ICBC has a “Heat Stress and Air Quality Exposure Control Plan” in accordance with WSBC. Check with your manager or supervisor about your specific location’s heat plan to ensure that your health and safety is looked after. Your worksite Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Committee should also be examining the plan to be sure it is appropriate for the type of work done and the exposures you face.

If you are on an OH&S Committee, please be sure to discuss your heat plan right away. Don’t wait for the next formal meeting. If there is no plan, one should be developed. Assistance in developing plans can be sought from your Union Representative.

This is also a good time for everyone to take note of who the first aid attendants are in your office. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke can happen to anyone. If you are a first aid attendant, please be extra vigilant right now. Keep your eyes out for your co-workers who may be vulnerable to heat-related illnesses. Make sure everyone in your office knows who you are and that they can and must come to you if they are feeling unwell from the heat or if they notice a co-worker who is showing signs of distress.

Your OH&S Committee can also provide you with information on how handle the heat when working from home, but common ways to keep cool include closing shades to keep out the sun, dressing appropriately for the temperature, unplugging unneeded devices that generate heat, as well as opening windows in the evenings to cool down your home office when the temperatures are lower. Consider adding a portable air conditioner in  your work area.

Staying properly hydrated is also critical. Your body is using more water than you realize, so drink lots of water throughout the day. Don’t just wait until you are feeling thirsty. As much as possible, stay out of the heat or seek shade. If your work requires you to be outside, be sure to wear protective clothing and equipment, such as pop-up shelters. You don’t need to be a hero. Please take care of yourself!

If you are working inside at an ICBC facility, advise your manager and Facilities if the inside temperature of your building is too high. Action should be taken to either resolve the excess heat or relocate staff to a safe and healthy location. If you are working at home, please make sure you are safe and able to stay cool. Check in often with your coworkers who are working remotely to be sure they too are safe and not suffering from the impact of heat.

Signs and symptoms of heat cramp and heat exhaustion:

  • Muscular pain or spasms
  • Excessive sweating
  • Shallow respiration
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Weak rapid pulse
  • Cool, pale, clammy skin
  • Weakness, fatigue, dizziness
  • Headache and nausea
  • Fainting
  • Muscle cramps

If untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke, which is a life-threatening condition. If you suspect heat exhaustion, take these steps immediately:

  • Move the person out of the heat and into a shady or air-conditioned place.
  • Lay the person down and elevate the legs and feet slightly.
  • Remove tight or heavy clothing.
  • Have the person drink cool water or other non-alcoholic beverage without caffeine.
  • Cool the person by spraying or sponging with cool water and fanning.
  • Monitor the person carefully.

Contact a doctor if signs or symptoms worsen or if they don’t improve within one hour.

Call 911 or your local emergency number if the person’s condition deteriorates, especially if they experience:

  • Hot, dry, flushed skin with absence of sweating
  • Agitation, confusion
  • Decreased level of consciousness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Irregular pulse rate
  • Shock
  • Cardiac arrest

For more information on working in the heat, visit WorkSafeBC’s website and HealthLinkBC’s website.

Special Notice to Driver Examiners, Client Service Representatives, Supervisors, Salvage staff and anyone working outdoors.

If you are working outdoors right now, please be extra vigilant and monitor your exposure to the sun and heat. Along with all the items above, here are some additional considerations:

  1. Ensure you have all necessary equipment and supplies on hand to protect your health – water, sunscreen, and hats. Every DLO should have a shelter for Driver Examiners to use during motorcycle skills tests, such as a pop-up tent/canopy. If your office doesn’t have one, speak to your manager immediately to have one provided. Remember, the heat isn’t just from the sun. It will also be radiating up from hot concrete. A pop-up canopy will provide shade from the sun and help keep the ground cool under foot.
  2. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, stay out of the sun as much as you can and, most importantly, monitor your own physical temperature and amount of perspiration. If, at anytime, you feel unwell, advise your supervisor, first aid attendant, and health and safety committee immediately.
  3. If a vehicle does not have a working air conditioner, discuss this with your supervisor to be sure the condition of the road test is safe and healthy.
  4. If the temperature outside or inside the car is too high and you feel your safety and health are at risk, you have the right to refuse unsafe work. You do not have to be a hero and suffer.

Your Right to Refuse Unsafe Work

If you have reasonable cause to believe that you are going to be exposed to an unsafe condition or undue hazard, which includes excessive heat, here is what you need to know:

An individual must initiate their right to refuse unsafe work. This cannot be done by our union nor the joint health and safety committee. An individual must say to their manager that they are exercising their right to refuse unsafe work. They must be clear about what is the threat to their health and safety and be specific.

The manager must immediately investigate the complaint. If the manager determines there is a risk, they must correct the problem and deal with the risk or exposure. They must also report their findings and actions to the person who makes the complaint.

If the issue is resolved, the worker will then return to work.

If the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the worker, the worker who filed the complaint must state such (we don’t want anyone to just suffer, in silence or otherwise). A subsequent investigation must be completed which now must involve a manager and a worker member of the OH&S committee.

The manager and the worker rep from the OH&S committee must immediately investigate the complaint. If they can resolve it, they will. They must include the worker during the investigation, so all are aware of the outcome. Once resolved, the worker will return to work.

If the manger and worker rep from the OH&S committee determines, through their investigation, that the work is safe, they will advise the complainant.

If the complainant still does not agree that they are safe, they must say so right then. It is at this point that WorkSafeBC will be called in to determine if there is a hazard to the worker’s safety or health. They may recommend ways to resolve it or determine there is no problem.

We cannot rush these steps or jump to the end. We must follow them in this order. If you or your coworkers have any questions or require some guidance on your right to refuse unsafe work, you should contact you Union Representative.

Wishing you and your family a very safe and healthy summer.

In solidarity,

Annette Toth
Vice-President, ICBC

File Number: 24-ICBC-BLTN-Extreme Heat Information-JULY 9
Union Label: AT:skm usw 2009


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