
ICBC – COVID-19 Case at Head Office

July 14, 2020

To All MoveUP Members at ICBC

Late yesterday afternoon, MoveUP was advised that an employee that works at ICBC Head Office has tested positive for COVID-19. MoveUP wishes this employee a safe and healthy recovery.

The employee has not been to Head Office since Tuesday, July 7, 2020 and the employer has advised your union that any relevant work areas that this employee may have come into contact with was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected last night. The employer has also advised that any other employees who may have been in close contact with the member have been sent home and told to self-isolate.

Your union will push the employer to take every step available to ensure the safety of our members given this development.

At this time, the health authority has told the employer that they are investigating but that no further steps are required. In order to protect yourselves and each other, please follow the guidelines below:

–           Continuously and diligently monitor your health for fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat or difficulty breathing

–           Do not come to work if you are sick

–           Contact your doctor or BC HealthLink at 8-1-1 immediately if you become sick or experience any of the above symptoms

Further information about COVID-19 is available on the BC CDC website:

Your union is in regular communication with ICBC about the COVID-19 pandemic. Our utmost priority is to ensure our members are safe at home, and in the workplace. We encourage our members to contact the Employee Family Assistance Program (1-866-644-0326) to assist in dealing with any stress that this may cause you and your family.

MoveUP members can take steps to protect one another. Everyone MUST wash their hands and use sanitizing wipes on any objects, surfaces, etc, that are touched by co-workers in between cleaning schedules. All members can ensure that social distancing protocols are followed at work.  If you aren’t able to practice physical distancing, please report that to your manager and your local OH&S representative.  MoveUP is working hard to ensure that our OH&S Committees are activated and well informed about COVID-19 and that all employers meet their responsibility to provide a healthy and safe workplace.

We will keep members advised as we learn more about this situation. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Union Representative or our WorkSafe and OH&S Specialist, Niki Schnurr at nschnurr@moveuptogether.ca.

For more resources and information, please visit:


In solidarity,

Anny Chen, Union Representative
Yudon Garie, Union Representative
Trevor Hansen, Union Representative
Cathy Hirani, Union Representative
Scott Wilcox, Union Representative
Kevin Smyth, Senior Union Representative
Annette Toth, Vice President, ICBC
Niki Schnurr, WCB Appeals Representative & OH&S Coordinator

File Number: 20-ICBC-COVID19CASE-JULY14
Union Label: YG:sk usw2009


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