
HEI – Know Your Rights: Job Stewards Present at Meetings

August 22, 2018

To: All MoveUP members at Hastings Entertainment, Inc.

Article 8.03 in your collective agreement provides you certain rights for your protection when you are called in for any discussion which may result in disciplinary action.  Each time management requests a meeting that could lead to discipline you must be advised that you are entitled to have a Job Steward or a Union Representative present.

The Union has noticed that most of the Employee Conduct Reports that are forwarded to the Union show on the Job Steward line either “declined” or “not requested” a job steward to attend the meeting.  The employee conduct report should never show “not requested” as the Employer must ask if you want a union representative for the meeting.

The Union encourages you to exercise this important right because if you decide to grieve the discipline, the Job Steward is a witness to the discussions and will have notes for the Union to rely upon.

Job Stewards must treat all information as confidential.  Part of the role of the Job Steward is to advise if the actions taken by the Employer can be grieved and advise you of your rights.

The Union encourages all members to always take or ask for a copy of the employee conduct report, even if it is just a verbal warning. The Union requests you forward a copy to the Union office.

If you are not advised of your entitlement to have a Job Steward or union representative for the meeting, please state on the Job Steward line at the bottom of the page you were not offered a union representative along with a date and initial. If you do decline the offer for union representation please write “declined”, initial and date the form.  Never leave the Job Steward line blank.  This will ensure that our members are receiving their rights as per article 8.03 of the collective agreement.

In solidarity,
April Young, Union Representative

File Number: 18-HEI-ART8-Job Stewards Present at Meetings-Aug 22
Union Label: AY:sh usw2009