
HEI-Bargaining Update

March 24, 2023

To: All MoveUP Members Employed at Hastings Entertainment Inc.

We want to provide an update on the tentative agreement reached in bargaining last month. We have ran into some delays getting the Memorandum of Agreement completed due to absences and scheduling conflicts but this should be completed in the coming days. Once done it will be reviewed by both parties and signed, at which point we will schedule a date and time to hold the ratification vote at Hastings. We have heard rumors that the delay may have something to do with discussions around “tip sharing” and this is absolutely not the case. After we reached a tentative agreement with the employer on February 15th negotiations with the employer for this round were completed. We will be presenting the Memorandum of Agreement for your review and also make ourselves available to answer any questions you may have, in the near future. In the meantime please do not approach other members regarding topics that may or may not have been discussed at the bargaining table. Instead, please address any questions or concerns to myself at or approach the members of your bargaining committee, Emily Reilly, Lisa Russell and Joseph Bekesi. I want to thank you for your patience and understanding and assure you that any improvements negotiated will be retroactive once the agreement is ratified. Lastly, I want to thank your bargaining committee for the hard work and dedication during this difficult round of collective bargaining.

In Solidarity,

Phil Bargen, Union Representative

File Number: 23-HEI-BLTN-Bargaining Update-March 23
Union Label: PB:hp usw2009


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