
Frequently Asked Questions – MoveUP Support for UWU Job Action

July 28, 2023

To: All MoveUP members at BCGEU

As many of you know, UWU members are having a strike vote opening Thursday, July 27 – Sunday, July 30. Your Bargaining Committee, MoveUP Rep, and Vice President have started conversations with the UWU Strike Coordination Committee, to guarantee our support and ensure BCGEU MoveUP members will respect their job action by no member crossing a legal picket line.

1. What is Third Party Picket support? And why is it necessary?

In some cases, MoveUP members may find their workplaces picketed by members of another union that is on strike. When we stand with other union members by refusing to cross their picket line, we help put added pressure on their employer. Many other unions’ struggles are linked to our own and we need to remember that one day, we may need their support in our own disputes.

2. When will we know if the UWU will start job action?

We currently know their strike vote will close on Sunday, July 30th, their Strike Coordination Committee will then decide on their strategy and issue the required 72 hours’ notice to the employer if needed. It’s important to remember that even though they have taken the strike vote with members providing a strong yes mandate, this does not mean they will be on the picket line right away, the LRB allows for 90 days without initiating notice or action. For now, UWU has told us, their vote is part of the strategy at the table and will not be rushing to picket action.

3. Does MoveUP provide strike pay even if we are supporting another union’s picket line?

Yes! Just as we would provide strike pay for our disputes, we follow the same guidelines as set in our National and Local Constitutions and By-Laws. All members participating in job action will be required to perform assigned duties by your Job Action Committee. These duties can be anything from wearing all black, to an overtime band, full picket, and anything else in between. As this is the UWU action and we are supporting, we will need to wait for their committee to determine how the action will start and what it will look like, basically they run the show and we are there to go along with their plans and asks of our membership.

4. What is the MoveUP and National’s strike pay?

Our National will provide $300 while MoveUP will pay $250, working out to be a total of $550 per week tax free, just as if it was our job action. Your Job Action Committee will set the required amount of hours or days needed to receive full strike pay, but generally MoveUP has required 20hrs in 4hr shifts over 5 days to receive the full $550 per week, for part-time and temp members if you are not able to attend the full 20hrs you may be required to perform job action duties for 10hrs of 2hr shifts for half ($225) of the full strike pay.

Your Job Action Committee will also be able to find ways to accommodate members who are physically unable to be on a picket line, facing family concerns or any other issues that may prevent you from participating in the full 20hrs. These concerns will be addressed in individual requests made to the Job Action Committee when job action begins.

5. What if I cannot afford to only be paid $550 a week, can I choose to cross the UWU picket line?

Your Collective Agreement provides you all with protection to respect a legal picket line as stated in Art 2.5.

2.5 Right to Refuse to Cross Picket Lines

It shall not be a violation of this Agreement or cause for discharge of any employee, in the performance of their duties, to refuse to cross a picket line. The Union shall notify the BCGEU as soon as possible of the existence of such picket lines.

While we know that life is expensive for everyone right now, we strongly encourage members to respect the picket lines. By failing to do so, we could see members being targeted by picketers, members could also face discipline through MoveUP’s Constitution, under Article 16.

 6. I work part-time or in a temp role, am I eligible for strike pay?

All MoveUP members actively employed by BCGEU will be eligible for strike pay. Your Job Action Committee will set schedules and requirements for our members based on how UWU decides their picket line will run. They will set the days and hours of action, with our role to be when and where they need us. At the beginning of any job action especially 3rd party support the first week can be very chaotic for the union organizing it, we anticipate this will be no different than other disputes given the size of both memberships and the number of offices around the province.

7. Does MoveUP need any documentation from us?

Yes! MoveUP requires the most recent 2 pay stubs for auditing purposes. Your Job Action Committee will begin requesting the stubs next week to ensure we have them before action starts as members will not be able to access work email or any other platform the employer uses.

8. I have pre-approved and booked vacation, what will happen if we are on strike?

Your employer should honor any vacation requests that have already been approved before job action started. If there are any concerns or issues, please contact your union rep Phil Bargen as quickly as possible.

9. Will we still be eligible for our benefits?

Phil will work with your employer to continue benefits as is, MoveUP will then reimburse your employer so there are no breaks in entitlements.

10. Will I need to picket on my flex days?

No, picket duties will follow your normal work week. If you work a Monday-Thursday week, you will need to picket 5 hours a day over the 4 days. Those working 5 days a week will have 4 hours on the picket line daily.

11. Are we still entitled to Stat holiday pay during strike action?

Stat pay does not apply during job action. On weeks that there is a stat holiday and if your office is closed you will not have picket duty that day. In order to reach your full 20 hours or 10 hours for part time, the picket captains will adjust the schedule accordingly.

12. When will we know our strike schedules and am I able to request which shift I want?

Your Job Action Committee will create the shifts and schedules once we have notice that UWU will commence picket action. The committee will try to ensure your shifts fit within your current work schedules, but they will have the final decision on who works what shifts. If you have current accommodations for your hours of work such as childcare requirements, or medical limitations you will need to let the Job Action Committee know before schedules are released, they will then work with the individual requests, but all other members will need to work the shifts assigned to them.

13. I have more questions, who can I ask?

Please reach out to your bargaining committee at

We will provide updated FAQs as we learn more details from the UWU Strike Coordination Committee. Supporting the job actions of another can be frustrating as we do not have control of their plan of action, and we must also recognize their need for confidentiality at times which may lead to delays in passing information on to you, our members. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

In Solidarity,

Doris Stowe, Bargaining Committee
Meaghan Morrice, Bargaining Committee
Tara Copeland, Bargaining Committee
Robelyn Martin, Bargaining Committee
Phil Bargen, Union Representative
Christy Slusarenko, Vice President Combined Units

File Number: 23-BCGEU-BARG-BLTN-FAQ–MoveUP-Support-for-UWU-Job-Action-July 28
Union Label: CS/ks usw2009


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