FortisBC-CSC – Alternate Work Location Update
September 28, 2023
To: All MoveUP members at FBC-CSC
The joint Alternate Work Committee met on August 28, 2023. We are writing to provide you the following updated information on the status of the Alternate Work Location (AWL) program:
- All workers who were selected for the program have now been notified by the employer.
- Current criteria for eligibility in the program are based on an attendance threshold (being at or below the current annual average of 12.85 days absent from work), job performance, the employer’s operational capacity, and whether your job can be done remotely or not.
- Once the program is running, the employer plans to collect up to 6 months of data for use when determining its operational capacity for 2024. The joint AWL Committee will meet in the first couple of months of 2024 to review the success of the program, as well as any challenges that may have arisen, and we are cautiously optimistic that that the number of participants in the program will increase as it progresses.
- Reminder from your Health and Safety Committee: If you are working from home, please ensure you have a dedicated space that is free of hazards and ergonomically comfortable. The employer has informed us that, so far, they have no plans to perform safety inspections on any alternate work location workspaces.
- As we learned during the pandemic, working from home can sometimes make it easy to work past the end of a shift, or at other times when you should be off the clock. Work should only be done during designated hours unless overtime is approved by the employer, and all breaks should be taken as normal.
- The employer is contemplating a system for sharing workstations in the office, but this option will be held in reserve and used only if necessary.
- The employer is currently working out a system for scheduling based on rotating participating workers in and out of the office on a weekly basis, as well as securing the equipment needed to facilitate remote work.
- As it seems likely that remote work will be done in weekly rotations, no changes will be made to current employee parking arrangements.
- There is every indication that the program will commence in October as planned.
- Feedback or questions about alternate work location arrangements should be directed to csfeedback@fortisbc.com.
In Solidarity,
Your Alternate Work Location Committee:
Deanna Wintemute, Committee Member
Lori Holford, Committee Member
Edgar Ruiz, Committee Member
Myra McIntosh, Committee Member
Paul Voykin, Union Representative