
FortisBC – Bargaining Update #13

May 17, 2024

To: All MoveUP members at FortisBC

We write to inform you that your bargaining committee met with your employer for negotiations on May 13, 14, and 15, 2024.

The bulk of the first two of these days was either spent having discussions with the employer about the union’s most recent set of proposals, or in caucus while they considered and drafted their response package.

Near midday on May 15, 2024, the employer presented us with a revised comprehensive proposal set.

This new proposal set from the employer, like the first, was presented as an indivisible package that we must either wholly accept or reject. Also, like the first set, it contains items we regard as concessionary, and it is therefore unacceptable.

There has been a subtle shift in the employer’s framing of their offer. The previous proposal set included many concessionary demands with a monetary offer contingent on our acceptance of them. The new set includes only a few concessionary items, with the understanding that the union could swap additional concessions for increases to the lackluster monetary offer.

While they are presenting their new offer in a superficially different way, in our view the employer is still taking the same concessionary approach to this negotiation as before, as they have made it clear that they expect us to surrender, reduce, or qualify existing rights and entitlements if we want to see a monetary offer from them that is anywhere close to acceptable.

We have booked fresh dates to continue bargaining on May 28, 29, and 30, 2024, and we are canvassing for additional dates in June and July.

We will update you again following our next block of dates, or if there should be significant progress in the meantime.

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee:

Norm Stickelmann, Executive Board Member
Michelle Simister, Executive Councillor
Charlie Lee, Executive Councillor
Lea McNaughton, Executive Councillor
Paul Voykin, Union Representative
April Young, Union Representative

File Number: 24-FBC-BLTN- FortisBC – Bargaining Update #13
Union Label: PV:hb usw2009


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