
Ecojustice – Introducing Your Bargaining Committee

June 5, 2024

To: All MoveUP members at Ecojustice

In preparation for bargaining your new collective agreement, we are pleased to inform you that Graeme Hutchison, President of MoveUP has appointed the following individuals to represent you at the bargaining table:

  • Jordano Valenzuela
  • Sherif Ashour

We would like to thank Jordano and Sherif for representing your membership as they will continue to build and improve on your current agreement.

Our next step will be to draft a survey that will be sent to the membership, which we strongly urge you to watch for and to participate in. It is imperative that you provide your responses and comments in order for us to be better equipped with a mandate that meets the needs of the membership. Your input is important, as it assists your bargaining committee in formulating contract demands to be taken to the negotiating table on your behalf.

A survey link will be sent to your personal email address shortly.

In solidarity,

Nathan Beausoleil
Union Representative

File Number: 24-ECOJ-BARG-BLTN-Introducing-Your-Bargaining-Committee-June-6
Union Label: km/usw2009


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