
Driving Public – MoveUP’s campaign to tell the real story about public car insurance in BC

July 29, 2019

To: All MoveUP Members at BC Hydro

Last week, our union launched a new public-facing campaign in support of public car insurance. This campaign is the culmination of several months of consultation with members of the public from across BC, and members of MoveUP.

Over the past several months, we have watched as the public has been bombarded with many pro-privatization messages from the likes of the BC Liberals, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, and the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

Our members at BC Hydro certainly understand the value of public services and utilities, and can see what happens to everyday costs when public services are privatized. Like you, our MoveUP members who work at ICBC understand the value of public car insurance, not only in terms of affordable rates and premiums, but about the investment it makes in our communities, our economies, and the jobs it provides to nearly 6,000 people across our province.

From our MoveUP members at ICBC:

“Thank you to all MoveUP members for your support. It has been difficult to sit by and listen to so much misleading information being shared about public insurance by companies that want to privatize. We’re happy to see those facts, with information to back it up, are being presented here by our union to the public.” – Robyn

“Thank you to the fellow members of our union for their support. This campaign provides a lot of resources and, most importantly, facts about the differences between public and private insurance. Having worked in this industry, I know the value of public insurance and I feel it’s important for everybody to be educated on it as well.” – Robert

As a matter that is important to all British Columbians, and especially for our members working at ICBC, we needed to make sure that people hear the other side of the story. As a union, we felt it was important for us to combat the misleading misinformation that is being shared and do so in a positive manner that informs British Columbians about the value of public car insurance.

In support of your fellow MoveUP members, and for our community-at-large, we need you to take action. Visit our campaign page at DrivingPublic.ca, look through the information and resources presented, and click on the Speak Out link where you can send a letter to your local MLA telling them to preserve public car insurance in British Columbia, continue to work on our existing system to bring rates down, and to keep money in ICBC so rates remain affordable.

We want you to share it, post it and talk about it.  With your help, we can share the true facts, educate people, and keep car insurance public!

In solidarity,


Rysa Kronebusch
VP, Utilities

File Number: 19-MOVEUP-COMM-BLTN- Driving Public BCH - July 29
Union Label: mm:usw2009


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