
CUPE BC & Locals – Seeking Bargaining Committee Member

July 5, 2024

To: All MoveUP members at CUPEBC & Locals

As you may know your collective agreement will be expiring December 31st, 2024 Please be aware the agreement will continue in full force until a new agreement is negotiated and ratified.

We need stewards to participate on the bargaining committee. Senior leadership has approved the bargaining committee’s composition as two stewards from the locals, and one steward from the division office.

Nadine Ford at CUPE 379, and Darci Schmid at CUPE BC, have both sat on the bargaining committee previously and have been re-appointed to the committee for this round of negotiations.

We are seeking volunteers from the CUPE locals to become a steward and sit on the bargaining committee for the 3rd position.

If you are interested in becoming a steward and joining our bargaining committee, please contact me at or your Vice President Christy Slusarenko at at your earliest convenience. Preparations will continue while we appoint the volunteer to the committee.

In solidarity,

Nathan Beausoleil, Union Representative
Christy Slusarenko, Vice President of Combined Units

File Number: 24-CUPEBC-BARG-BLTN-Seeking-Bargaining-Committee-Member-July-5
Union Label: km/usw2009


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