
Coast Mountain Bus – Transit Security Schedule Update

January 25, 2022

To: All MoveUP members at Coast Mountain Bus

Your union would like to provide an update on the proposed changes to the new shift selection options.

Thanks to all members who were able to provide the union with some feedback either through the special email address or through speaking directly to your job stewards or union representative.  All submissions were reviewed and taken into consideration.

Yesterday morning a meeting was held between the parties.  A presentation was made by the employer explaining the rationale behind the proposed changes and a review of what some of the scheduling options were presented.  Your union took the opportunity to seek clarification on some of the outstanding issues.

Your union was also given an opportunity to provide feedback to the presentation and to present the issues that our members have raised.  Although several concerns were raised, the issues can broadly be categorized into the following concerns: seniority, health concerns with rotating shifts, family obligations, educational opportunities, and rotating partners.  We asked that these issues be considered as the process moves forward and the employer committed to doing that.

The new signup is scheduled to take place on March 7th.  We asked that a draft schedule (incorporating the concerns we raised today) be distributed for all members to see and review.  Some members have asked why this was not done previously and the answer is that your union wanted to have input into the process before a draft schedule was distributed.  We hope everyone will take the time to review the draft and ask questions and provide any constructive suggestions.

To be blunt, at the end of the day the employer has the right to schedule as it sees fit for the operation.  A schedule that unnecessarily creates angst and disruption for the people who are required to work the schedule does not help anyone.  Your union recognizes that it will not be possible to please everyone.  However, we are hoping that advocating with the employer to allow constructive feedback will lead to the creation of a better schedule than what would be created without member input.  We will continue to advocate for our members on this issue and any other issues that arise.

In solidarity,

Shawn Lakusta, Union Representative

File Number: 22-CMBC-BLTN-Transit Security Schedule Update-January 25
Union Label: SL/LJ: USW2009


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