
Bonny’s Taxi – Bargaining Impasse

March 23, 2023

To: All MoveUP members at Bonny's Taxi

On March 21, 2023, your bargaining committee and your employer came to a standstill on collective bargaining. Although we have been able to achieve many nonmonetary improvements, the mandate given to us by our membership was to achieve several conditions of employment in bargaining. We have reached an impasse on the following key items:

  • Pension Increases
  • Term of the Collective Agreement
  • Wage Increases

While talks have broken down, your bargaining committee is still committed to negotiate with the employer on our members’ behalf.

Your committee has begun the process of preparing for a strike vote. We will be meeting with the Job Stewards to determine the next steps.

We will be scheduling a general membership meeting to discuss what a potential job action would look like and to prepare our membership for the strike vote. We will update you as to when and where the membership meeting will take place.

We want to stress that we need solidarity now more than ever, a STRONG strike vote means added pressure to the employer to get a fair collective agreement.

Please ensure that you are registered for the MoveUP member portal with your home email to receive all important bargaining updates.

In solidarity,

Ward Edgar, Union Representative
Peggy Heinrich, Bargaining Committee Member
Cyndi Frigstad, Bargaining Committee Member

File Number: 22-BONNYS-BARG-BLTN-2023-03-22-Bargaining at an Impasse
Union Label: WE/sm: USW2009


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