
BCH & Powertech – Vaccination Mandate Policy Grievance Update

January 12, 2023

To: All MoveUP members at BCH & Powertech

We wanted to provide a quick update on the status of the vaccination mandate policy grievance.  Since our last update in November of 2022, we met with the Employer on two occasions in December 2022.

The Union and the Employer continued discussions regarding certain job duties that were in dispute and those who do not fall within Arbitrator Somjen’s award criteria. From our last meeting before the holidays, the Union concluded discussions with the Employer with the understanding that there are positions both the Employer and Union will not agree with. These positions will require a decision made by Arbitrator Somjen.

Moving forward in 2023, we will be speaking with our legal team to establish our position for those jobs in dispute and plan our response for Arbitrator Somjen. We will also begin working on remedy for those we have successfully settled on.

We would like to thank all our members for their patience and support. We understand this process has not been quick and details have been limited. We can assure our members that we have been working hard and would like to provide closure to all members involved in this grievance.

Additional updates will be provided when available.

In solidarity,

Javed Saheb, Union Representative
Ronnie Ho, Union Representative

File Number: 23-BCH-BLTN-Vaccination-Mandate-Policy-Grievance-Update-January-12
Union Label: km/usw:2009


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