
BCH & Powertech – Employee Engagement Survey

September 17, 2021

To: All MoveUP members at BCH & Powertech

As with any survey the employer seeks the support of MoveUP, once again BC Hydro is conducting the Employee Engagement survey, this gives you the opportunity to express and suggest areas for improvement.

I support membership completing this survey, the more members who participate in completing the survey will give the employer a better understanding about the issues that are impacting you as employees, as in workload, training, career goals and any roadblocks in your way!

For those equity seeking groups, I encourage you to complete this survey with honest experiences and roadblocks you may have experienced as an employee of BC Hydro.

The Employee Engagement Survey is over and above the Pulse Check Surveys BC Hydro has been doing throughout the pandemic, which we have also given our support.

We support BC Hydro with the Employee Engagement survey and the Pulse Check Surveys! However, in communicating this, I would once again like to take this opportunity and remind you we do not support any ad hoc surveys that managers may produce and ask individual to participate in.

If you are being asked to complete any ad hoc surveys, please contact MoveUP at 604.299.0378 or email bchmail@moveuptogether.ca

In solidarity,

Rysa Kronebusch, Vice President, Utilities

File Number: 21-BCH-BLTN-Employee-Engagement-Survey-September-17
Union Label: km/usw:2009


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