
BCAA- Service Locations -Bargaining Update – December 12

December 12, 2018

To: All BCAA Service Location members

The parties met on December 10 & 11 to continue negotiations. The focus continued to be on monetary items and some progress was made to improve BCAA’s latest wage offer and other benefits important to you, but it still falls far short of what is fair and reasonable in light of the many successes and prosperity that the association has achieved since the previous round of bargaining four years ago. We took the opportunity to remind the employer of the overall growth of BCAA in the past four years, including the growth of the membership, EVO, Auto Service Centres and Service Locations, to name a few.

We also took the opportunity to remind the employer that the cost of living continues to go up and that their proposed wage increase did not keep pace with the forecasted rates of inflation to come over the term of this agreement. The employer was not moved by this information and did not adjust their offer, which we are disappointed with. At this time, the employer is requesting a 4 year renewal and wage increases in each of the four years as follows: 2%, 1.75%, 1.75%, 1.75%. We have proposed a three year term with a 4% wage increase in the first year and 3% in each remaining year of the agreement.

As negotiations came to a close on Tuesday, BCAA indicated that they had not tabled their final offer and was not prepared to do so at the time. Your committee was willing to continue negotiations, however BCAA was not. Although we were disappointed with this, we agreed to reconvene negotiations in January and are currently scheduling dates. We look forward to receiving BCAA’s adjusted offer at that time which properly reflects the value that you bring to the employer every day. BCAA needs to recognize this.

If you have any questions, please speak with a member of your bargaining committee.

In solidarity,

Paul Bachin, Executive Councillor
Robyn Sabiston, Executive Councillor
Trevor Hansen, Union Representative


File Number: 18-BCAA-SL-BLT-Bargaining Update-Dec 12
Union Label: kp:USW2009


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