
BCAA – RACC – Update- Management doing your work

September 11, 2017

To: All MoveUP members at BCAA-RACC

Your union and BCAA have reached a 3-month trial agreement in an attempt to resolve last year’s grievance that was initiated in response to management performing your work, including call taking and dispatching. This 3-month trial agreement was negotiated between the parties at many meetings over many months and is designed to limit how and when managers can perform your work. We maintain that the work of the bargaining unit is to be performed by bargaining unit members exclusively and only in exceptional circumstances would management perform your work.

Please read the attached Protocol Agreement [link here] and ensure that you understand how management will be exercising the available options in the agreement to ensure that the work remains in the bargaining unit, and not performed by them. This trial agreement is effective between September 1 to December 1, at which time BCAA will report back to MoveUP the dates, times and durations of when management performed bargaining unit work. We will be reviewing this information and have reserved the right to grieve this matter if the number of occurrences of this happening has not been significantly reduced.

We ask that you continue to monitor your managers and report the dates, times and durations of when you see them performing your work. If you are concerned that the terms of the protocol have not been followed when this is occurring, please advise your Job Steward or Union Representative. I want to thank the Job Stewards who assisted with reaching this agreement and the members for your support.

In solidarity,

Trevor Hansen 

File Number: 17-BCAA-BLTN-3Mos Trial-Sept 11
Union Label: TH:kc usw 2009


Attached files: