
BCAA – RACC -Important Notice

September 21, 2018

To: All RACC - BCAA members at home

We were notified that one of your coworkers on the Road Services Team was involved in a motor vehicle accident on Wednesday afternoon. We understand that they were crossing the street in front of the depot when they were struck and sustained serious injuries. We wish this employee a full and expedient recovery and to know that our thoughts are with them and their family.

We also take this opportunity to remind everyone working at the depot of how busy and dangerous Goring Street is – especially during rush hour. If you ever need to cross the street, please cross using the cross walk at the Holdom intersection instead of crossing in front of the depot.

As well, please be aware that you have resources available to you for counselling and support here.

In solidarity,

Trevor Hansen, Union Representative

File Number: 18- MOVEUP-BCAA-RACC-Important notice-Sept 21
Union Label: kp:USW2009


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