
BCAA RACC “Code Red”

January 5, 2017

To: MoveUP Members at BCAA RACC

We received notification today from BCAA that the Road Assist Contact Centre is currently experiencing a “Code Red” situation due to the recent snow storms and icy roads. We are advised that “Code Red” means call volumes have escalated to a level beyond the contact centre’s capacity to answer them in a timely manner.  

As you know, we initiated a grievance regarding this practice in January 2016 when similar circumstances occurred and BCAA directed managers to assist the bargaining unit by doing your work. This grievance remains unresolved as the parties have been unable to reach an agreement for how these situations are handled. We remain committed to exploring solutions to deal with this issue. In the meantime, we are asking you to please “work now” and we will deal with the consequences of BCAA’s actions through the grievance procedure once operations return to normal.

We have been assured that no bargaining unit employee should see any loss of hours due to managers performing bargaining unit work. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact your Union Representative.

In solidarity,


Trevor Hansen
Union Representative

File Number: 17-BCAA RACC-ART01-BLTN-Code Red-January5
Union Label: TH/ae:usw2009