
BCAA- RACC -Bargaining Update – November 20

November 20, 2018

To: All BCAA RACC members at home

The parties met on October 26 and November 19 to continue negotiations. We have now had considerable discussion on all monetary and non-monetary proposals and wish to inform you on the status of those discussions. The parties have agreed to some “housekeeping” and less substantial proposals to-date, however, the parties remain apart on more substantial proposals. Your union has proposed language to improve the following items, which include, but are not limited to:

  • New union hire orientation on paid time
  • Union leave rights
  • Timely discipline by management
  • Reducing the sunset on disciplinary records
  • Job posting requirements
  • Acting pay
  • Work scheduling (including grandparenting Dispatch shifts)
  • Vacation entitlements
  • Health and Wellness benefits
  • Bereavement Leave
  • Maternity Leave

We have also proposed a three year term for the renewed collective agreement (2018 – 2021) with a 4% wage increase in each year of the agreement.  BCAA is resistant to agreeing to the above-mentioned proposals in a meaningful way, and in some cases, has refused them altogether.

BCAA has proposed a four year renewal (2018 – 2022) with wage increases in each of the four years as follows: 2%, 1.5%, 1.5%, 1.5%. We know that BCAA can do better and have agreed to reconvene negotiations on December 5 & 20 and we expect to see considerable improvements to BCAA’s offer at that time.

If you have any questions, please speak with a member of your bargaining committee.

In solidarity,

Carrie Michels
Natalie Hoedel
Darshan Andrews
Trevor Hansen

File Number: 18-BCAA-RACC-BLT-Bargaining Update-Nov 20
Union Label: kp:USW2009


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