BC Hydro – United Way Period Promise Campaign
February 13, 2020
To: All MoveUP Members at BCH
The United Way of the Lower Mainland Period Promise Campaign.
Why is this important?
The United Way has identified that period poverty is a reality for many women, trans individuals, and non-binary people who are struggling to make ends meet. Often these individuals are faced with the difficult decision of whether they should buy groceries, other necessities, or menstrual products. This not only has an impact on working individuals but also their children, as some, may have to stay home during their menstrual cycle, so the parent can work. Period poverty not only affects individuals by causing stress, isolation, poor work attendance or job security, these problems can affect others in the workplace.
The United Way provides organizations, that work with our homeless population, to ensure our most marginalized citizens have the necessary menstrual products, everyone should have their needs respected, not having menstrual products has a huge impact to these members of society.
The BC Government has committed to provide menstrual products in all schools. Municipalities such as New Westminster have also committed to providing these in all their washrooms. Progressive organizations, such as your union MoveUP and other labour organizations, recognize that having a menstrual cycle is a fact of life, but that period poverty can be eliminated.
So, what can you do?
Organize your campaign today. The Period Promise Campaign kicks off on March 3 and runs until March 31st. You can Give financially, or if you see within your area a box with a sign Period Promise, collecting hygiene products, donate. If you do not have a box in your area, then provide one.
If you would like more information click on this link https://www.periodpromise.ca/pages/period-promise-campaign-toolkit, there is different poster, ways to volunteer, Period Promise Facebook Frame and much more!
Together we can make such an inexpensive impact on someone life!
Thank you,
In Solidarity,
Rysa Kronebusch
Vice President – Utilities