BC Civil Liberties Association – Register for the Member Portal
June 25, 2024
To: All MoveUP members at BC Civil Liberties Association
As you are aware, MoveUP has been in bargaining for a first collective agreement for the members at BC Civil Liberties Association. We are happy to advise that we are in the final stages of bargaining and will have more information to you in the next day or so. In the meantime, all members will need to register for our Member Portal in order to vote on your tentative agreement.
We ask that our active BCCLA members register on the Member Portal in advance of voting on your collective agreement. All voting will take place electronically on the Member Portal and you must be registered in advance to be eligible to vote.
If you have not already registered a Member Portal account, you will need to do so. You can refer to our online guide or watch the tutorial videos for more information. You will need your membership number and your personal email address to create an account. If you do not know your membership number, please go to moveuptogether.ca/membernumber and complete the online form and you will be contacted within one business day.
If you have any difficulty signing on to the Member Portal, please email membership@moveuptogether.ca.
We look forward to seeing you at the ratification meeting. Please keep an eye on your emails for important meeting information.
In solidarity,
Yudon Garie, Union Representative