
TransLink funding announcement is step in right direction for our transit members

April 17, 2024

To all MoveUP members at TransLink, CMBC, and BC Transit

On Wednesday morning, the BC government made a significant funding announcement for TransLink. This funding includes $300 million of new capital funding to support TransLink’s bus purchases for much-needed expansion, plus having TransLink apply remaining funds from the $479 million the Province provided last year toward immediate service increases.

You can find more details here.

Our union is extremely pleased to see this much-needed investment in our public transit system, especially considering the lack of support presented in the federal government’s Budget 2024.

This funding is just a start, and we know there is a lot more that needs to be done to ensure our communities can have sustained, reliable, affordable, and robust public transit. This announcement goes a long way towards supporting our members’ work specifically in public transit as it not only an investment in terms of systems and infrastructure but in people as well and is recognition for the role that all of you play every day to make our public transit systems run.

There is nothing more important than public transit when it comes to connecting people with their communities and giving them freedom and opportunity to pursue their interests and support their families.

Our union will continue to do our part to advocate on behalf of not only our members who work in public transit, but for all our members who rely on public transit, to ensure continued funding remains a high priority for all levels of government.

Our thanks go out to the BC Federation of Labour, its affiliate unions, and local labour councils for all their work in pushing our BC provincial government to make this important investment.

In solidarity,

Graeme Hutchison

File Number: 24-MOVEUP-COMM-BLTN-Translink Funding Apr 17
Union Label: mm:usw2009


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