
Nimbus School of Recording & Media – Unfair Labour Practices Complaint

May 12, 2022

To: All MoveUP Members at Nimbus School of Recording & Media

We’re writing to you today to provide an update on the status of bargaining with your Employer.

The parties initially met to exchange proposals and begin the process of negotiations on October 29th of 2021. Despite multiple attempts to continue bargaining after the exchange, the Employer refused to respond to multiple requests and contact attempts to schedule bargaining dates.

We consider failure to participate in the collective bargaining process and ignoring contact from the Union to be a violation of the BC Labour Relations Code, and as such, we filed an Unfair Labour Practice complaint with the BC Labour Relations Board on January 24th 2022 to compel the employer to return to the table and bargain in good faith.

The Employer representative assured the Board-appointed Special Investigations Officer, and the Union, that the failure to remain in contact was due to extenuating circumstances and not a deliberate behaviour on their part. The Employer requested we resolve the complaint by confirming bargaining dates, and the Parties met for negotiations on March 30th. The parties agreed to meet on April 14th for further negotiations.

The Employer no-showed for the scheduled April 14th bargaining date, and despite numerous attempts to contact, has failed to reply or respond to the Union.

We have filed another Unfair Labour Practice complaint with the Board under Section 6 of the Code. The Board has requested a response from the Employer by end of day on Friday to justify their actions. We will keep you apprised of the proceedings. We have attached a copy of the complaint here in case you would like to review, with personal information of the parties and to protect the privacy of MoveUP members that required Board intervention unrelated to the Employer’s failure to bargain in good faith. We have also attached the Board’s order to the Employer to file a submission in response of our complaint here.

Please keep an eye out for upcoming bulletins, as we will be scheduling a membership meeting shortly to go over the status of negotiations in more detail.

In solidarity,

Cody Taylor, Bargaining Committee
Brandon Brown, Bargaining Committee
Nathan Beausoleil, Union Representative

File Number: 22-Nimbus School of Recording & Media – Unfair Labour Practices Complaint
Union Label: NB/ks usw2009


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