
TransLink – 2019-2022 Collective Agreement is available online

June 14, 2021

To: All MoveUP members at TransLink

Your bargaining committee has been hard at work over the last several months updating the new collective agreement.

We are pleased to report that we recently received the final signed copy of the new collective agreement from your employer. There are very limited printed copies of the collective agreement, as we expect to head back into bargaining in the fall. The collective agreement has also been posted on MoveUP’s website – click here for your reference.

If any member has questions about your new contract, please contact your Job Steward and Bargaining Committee Members, Jennifer Froese, Safar Alikhani or myself Parm Sandhar.

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee:

Parm Sandhar, Union Representative
Jennifer Froese, Executive Councillor
Safar Alikhani, Executive Councillor

File Number: 19-TRANSLIN-BARG-Collective Agreement online-June 14, 2021
Union Label: PS/LJ: USW2009


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