
New Democratic Party of BC – Bargaining Update # 1 – Bargaining Survey

January 4, 2019

To: All MoveUP members at New Democratic Party of BC

Your current collective agreement expires on June 30, 2019.  This collective agreement will remain in effect until a new collective agreement has been bargained and ratified by both parties.

Please complete the on-line survey. We will send you the on-line survey link in a separate email to your home email address. By completing this survey prior to the deadline of Friday January 18, 2019, you will assist your bargaining committee in addressing the areas of the collective agreement that are a concern to you and/or you feel need updating.

Thank you in advance for your participation and we will be updating you with our progress along the course of negotiations.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee:

Miki Quan
Omar Hassine
Nathan Beausoleil, Union Representative


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Reply to: k

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