
BCAA – RACC Bargaining Bulletin – December 6

December 6, 2018

To: All BCAA RACC members at home

Your committee met on December 5th with the employer to resume negotiations. This was the seventh meeting to discuss a renewed collective agreement. In our previous bulletin, we advised you of the improvements we were seeking to achieve and the resistance on the part of the employer. We continued to explain to the employer that we were taking forward the mandate that we received from you through your input and through the bargaining survey.

The parties remain far apart on the most important things to you, including fair salary increases, better benefits, reduced costs for benefits, shift scheduling, and vacation time. At the same time, BCAA also wants to remove salary step increases, reduce sick leave entitlement and short term disability entitlement. We have made it clear that we will not accept any concessions.

Your bargaining committee remains disappointed with the employer’s latest offer that was received as bargaining adjourned on the 5th. We reconvene on December 20th, which will be the last bargaining date of 2018. Future dates have not been set as of this time.

If you have any concerns, please speak to a member of your bargaining committee.

In solidarity,

Trevor Hansen, Union Representative
Carrie Michels, – Executive Councillor -Bargaining Committee
Natalie Hoedel, – Job Steward – Bargaining Committee
Darshan Andrews, – Job Steward – Bargaining Committee

File Number: 18-BCAA-RACC-BLT-Bargaining Update-Dec 6
Union Label: THkp:USW2009


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