
Bonny’s Taxi – Layoff Notice

March 11, 2025

To: All MoveUP members at Bonny's Taxi

As you are aware, your employer has issued layoff notices to all MoveUP members at Bonny’s Taxi effective March 20, 2025. Your employer has also indicated they intend to outsource bargaining unit work.

This is a clear violation of article 16.01 of your collective agreement. Any change that may result in displacement or reduction of work requires three month’s notice, which your employer has not provided.

We recognize this has created a stressful and uncertain environment for you but be assured your union will be doing everything in our power to fight back against your employer and restore your rights as MoveUP members.

We have demanded a meeting with your employer as soon as possible to address the layoffs and how they have violated the collective agreement. We will be demanding them to rescind the layoffs or be prepared to fight us at the BC Labour Relations Board.

We understand there are challenges with the industry and its business model, but it is our goal to make sure that all our members at Bonny’s Taxi are treated with dignity and respect and we will work hard to negotiate a settlement that addresses your concerns and needs.

We will keep you updated as this situation progresses. Thank you for your continued support and solidarity. Please know that you not only have our support, but the support of our entire 13,000+ membership at MoveUP and the support of the entire BC labour movement behind you.

In solidarity,

Ward Edgar
Union Representative


Article 16.01 of your collective agreement

“The Company will provide the Union with at least three (3) months’ notice of intention to introduce automation, equipment or procedures and/or mergers with other Companies which might result in displacement or reduction of personnel or in changes of job classification.”

File Number: 25-BONNYS-BLTN-Layoff Notice-Mar 11
Union Label: vs:USW2009


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