
ICBC – Successful Job Evaluation

January 31, 2025

To: All ICBC Compliance Auditors and Senior Broker Compliance Auditors

After months of waiting, we are thrilled to share some fantastic news regarding the recent evaluations of your respective positions. Compliance Auditors have achieved a well-deserved adjustment to Salary Group 9 (SG9), while Senior Broker Compliance Auditors have successfully moved to Salary Group 12 (SG12). This achievement comes with retroactive pay adjustments to December 7, 2022, reflecting the true value of your roles and contributions.

This achievement highlights the collaboration and dedication of everyone involved. The leading Job Evaluation Appeal Officer, along with the incumbents of both groups, deserve recognition for their detailed submissions and evidence demonstrating the material changes and expanded scope of your responsibilities, which played a pivotal role in this outcome.

Congratulations to each of you! Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and we are proud to celebrate this victory together.

Thank you for your continued commitment and dedication.

In solidarity,

Dora Wong, Union Representative

File Number: 25-ICBC-Successful Job Evaluation-Jan 31
Union Label: DW:skm usw 2009


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