
Vancouver Shipyards – Strike Vote Results

July 15, 2024

To: All MoveUP members at Vancouver Shipyards

As you’re all aware, a strike vote was held on Saturday, July 13, 2024.

After tabulation of the votes, MoveUP members, along with the Poly-Party members, have voted 97.7% in favour of a strike.

Your Poly-Party will be providing official written notice of the strike vote results to your employer today, followed by notice to the Labour Relations Board (LRB). No forms of job action can commence until 72-hours after the LRB acknowledges receipt of the results.

Upon hearing of the results on Saturday afternoon, the employer reached out to the Poly-Party and has requested that we all return to the bargaining table. We are currently working on dates for both sides to meet.

I want to thank you for the solidarity you’ve shown. We will be in touch with further updates as things progress.

In solidarity,

Kithusan Pararasasingam, Job Steward
Yudon Garie, Union Representative

File Number: 24-VANSHIP-BLTN-Strike Vote Results-JUL15
Union Label: YG: kb usw2009


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