
Youth Action Committee Events

July 9, 2024

To: All Youth Action Committee Members

REMINDER – Upcoming events:

Summer BBQ & Baseball

Thanks to a partnership with the Events & Social Planning Committee, we have purchased 10 tickets to the annual MoveUP Summer BBQ & Baseball event.
As a small group, we can enjoy some great food and some great baseball with the Vancouver Canadians and finish off the night with fireworks.
Date: July 20, 2024 at 6:15 p.m.
Location: Nat Bailey Stadium (Vancouver)

The Chair of the Events and Social Planning Committee (Annette Toth) is very excited and eager for more youth to get involved and be connected at these events. In order for us to have the opportunity to do more events with that committee we need to have a great turnout for this event! So please let us know if you are interested in attending!

If you are interested in attending the Summer BBQ & Baseball event, please click here to let us know by clicking here.

Jr. Black Achievement Society Picnic
Volunteers needed to support our community partner!
Date: July 14, 2024 – 1 p.m. -6 p.m.
Location: Glen Park – 1149 Westwood Street, Coquitlam, BC

If you are interested in volunteering, let us know by clicking here. Though this is a volunteer opportunity, this is a fairly big event with lots of other unions present.
This is a great event that brings labour, community, and a wonderful non-profit together. 

We hope to see you at these summer events and if anyone needs arrangements with their workplaces please let Alysha and Dimitri know and we can see if we can provide LOA’s.

In Solidarity,
Alysha Morris & Dimitri Ossinsky
Co-chairs, Youth Action Committee

File Number: 22-MU-CMIT-BLTN-YAC-Youth Action Committee Events-July 9
Union Label: kp:USW2009


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