
Konica Minolta – Bargaining Update #1

June 5, 2024

To: All MoveUP members at Konica Minolta

Your bargaining committee met with the employer from Tuesday, May 28 to Friday, May 31 to begin the process of renewing your collective agreement.

Both sides committed to bargaining in good faith with a mutual goal of reaching an agreement that each party would recommend.

A bargaining protocol agreement was reached on the first day.  This agreement is a normal part of bargaining that establishes the rules that the parties will adhere to during the process.  For example, it was agreed that the parties would address housekeeping and non-monetary items before addressing monetary items.

The parties also exchanged proposals and provided explanations of the intent behind each proposal.  Much work went into preparing your union’s proposals and we are quite pleased with our package.  We appreciate everyone who was able to participate in the preparation process by completing the member survey and/or expressing concerns about what needs to be done to improve your collective agreement.

The parties engaged in some productive conversation at the bargaining table to better understand each other and identify priorities.

Some progress was made during these four days, but it is clear there is still some work to do as the parties work towards a renewed collective agreement.

The parties expect to reconvene in August, and we will provide a further update following those dates.

Thanks again for all the support that you have given to your bargaining committee.  We are committed to bringing back the best possible agreement.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee:

Shawn Foubert, Job Steward
Dal Dosanjh, Job Steward.
Andrew Cheverie, Union Representative

File Number: 24-KONICA-BLTN-Bargaining Update #1-JUN5
Union Label: AC:kb usw2009


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