
Master Trade Union Group – September 19, 2022 as a recognized holiday

October 28, 2022

To: All MoveUP members in the Master Trade Union Group

For September 19, 2022, both the federal government and the BC provincial government announced the day as a holiday for their public sector employees and employers to mark the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Union believes your collective agreement provides for September 19, 2022, to be a holiday for you but we do not have confirmation whether your workplace recognized the day as a holiday either to be closed and paid or open and employees paid at applicable overtime rates.

The Union’s current view is that Article 8 of the agreement provides a contractual obligation for employers to recognize September 19, 2022, as a holiday.

Could you please email me (Daniel Storms) at dstorms@moveuptogether.ca and confirm whether September 19, 2022, was recognized as a holiday at your workplace.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me as well.

In solidarity,

Daniel Storms, Union Representative

File Number: 22-MTUG-BLTN-September-19-recognize-holiday-October 28
Union Label: DS:skm USW 2009


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