ICBC – Bargaining – Update #2
October 3, 2022
To: All MoveUP members at ICBC
Your bargaining committee met with ICBC on September 27 & 28 to commence collective bargaining negotiations. Over these two days, the parties each tabled their respective proposal packages, reviewed them, and were able to ask preliminary questions regarding the intent of them.
ICBC has tabled 17 proposals and 3 housekeeping proposals. You can read them here.
Your bargaining committee has tabled 70 proposals. You can read them here.
Prior to commencing negotiations with ICBC, your bargaining committee took some time to remind your employer of a few things. We reminded them that collective bargaining is an opportunity to show their dedicated and hardworking employees how much they are appreciated and recognize them for the tremendous amount that’s been asked of you over the past 3 years.
We also reminded your employer that this was their opportunity to recognize your collective efforts in bringing the corporation through not only the biggest transformation in the way it does its business and serves its customers, but also continuing to do so through these unprecedented times in all our lives that has been the Covid-19 pandemic.
You will see that your bargaining committee has assembled a thoughtfully composed package of proposals that was crafted with the direct input from you. We believe that these proposals will bring necessary and long-needed improvements to your collective agreement when ratified.
Our next bargaining dates are October 20, 21, 25 & 26. We will update you again on our progress following those dates.
If you have any question, please contact your bargaining committee at icbcbarg@moveuptogether.ca.
In solidarity,
Brenda Chu, Executive Board Member
Bryan Finstad, Executive Board Member
Brian Martens, Executive Board Member
Dimitri Ossinsky, Executive Board Member
Jeff Bryant, Executive Board Member
Trevor Hansen, Union Representative
Annette Toth, Vice-President