Reminder – ICBC – Claims Specialist Survey
March 26, 2021
To: All MoveUP members at ICBC
Our survey of Claims Specialists closes today at 4:30. If you have not shared your thoughts with us, click here now.
This survey is open to all Claims Specialists and Acting Claims Specialists who are working as a Claims Specialist as of, March 15, 2021. Please note: If you are in an acting position outside the position as Claims Specialist, or you have begun to transition to the Senior Support and Recovery Specialist position, do not complete this survey.
Results will be shared with the members and ICBC once tabulated. We will endeavor to keep all written comments confidential.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and thoughts with us.
In solidarity,
Annette Toth, Vice President
Kevin Smyth, Senior Union Representative