
Remember to send your signed forms back

November 2, 2020

To: MoveUP Job Stewards and Executive Councillors

We want to remind you – whether you are a new or returning job steward or executive councillor – to sign and send back the following two items as soon as possible:

  1. Oath of Office 
  2. Job Steward Code of Conduct 

Both of those forms are both linked above as well as attached to this email and are in fillable PDF format. Once you have signed the form, please email it back to reception@moveuptogether.ca. If you have already done so, you can disregard this message.

Thank you to you, and to all our members who have volunteered to step up, for helping make our union stronger by supporting your fellow members as a job steward or executive councillor.

We look forward to working closely with each of you to make your workplaces better and to stand up for our members.

In solidarity,

Rysa Kronebusch, Vice-President, Utilities
Christy Slusarenko, Vice-President, Combined Units
Annette Toth, Vice-President, ICBC

File Number: 20-MOVEUP-COMM-BLTN-Oath and Code Nov 2
Union Label: mm:usw2009