
TransLink – Bargaining Negotiations – Update #1

June 12, 2020

To: All MoveUP members at TransLink

We hope this message finds you well, your Union Bargaining Committee appreciates the hard work the membership has been doing to keep the Transit sector operational during the COVID-19 pandemic. We all appreciate how quickly everyone pivoted to work from home in order to continue to provide essential services to the general public.

We have fielded many questions from the membership regarding bargaining for the new TransLink Collective Agreement. We are writing to provide you with an update as to what has been transpiring over the last several months. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic your bargaining committee was getting ready to launch full collective bargaining with the employer commencing April 2020. However, unexpectedly as every institution in Canada we quickly found ourselves in the middle of a pandemic in early March. As a result of the pandemic your bargaining committee quickly pivoted and started to negotiate with the employer in virtual bargaining in order to achieve a collective agreement. We are currently going back and forth on monetary proposals with the employer and navigating the new normal of negotiating virtually with the employer. We understand the membership is eager to get an agreement. We are considering all options at the table and we are still in discussions with the employer. Please stay tuned for further updates.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to your Bargaining Committee.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee:

Safar Alikhani, Executive Board Member
Jennifer Froese, Executive Councillor
Parm Sandhar, Union Representative

File Number: 19-TRANSLIN-BARG-BLTN-Bargaining Negotiations-Update #1-June 12, 2020
Union Label: PS/LJ: USW2009


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