
Triennial EC Election Results – Executive Councillor Areas #1669-#1671  

April 29, 2020

To: All MoveUP members at ICBC EC Areas #1669-#1671

To MoveUP members employed at ICBC at Victoria Operations, Victoria McKenzie DSC and Victoria Wharf Street DLO (three at-large positions)

Term Ending: April 30, 2023

This is to inform you that as a result of the recent contested triennial election to fill the three at-large executive councillor positions for areas #1669, #1670 and #1671, the deadline for electronic balloting was 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28, 2020.

The electronic vote was verified on Tuesday, April 28 by the undersigned.


Two of the candidates, Stephanie Villeneuve and Mario Lopez, tied for the third council position. An election by electronic ballot for this position will take place between these two candidates. An election notice bulletin will be posted soon on details including opening of electronic ballot and voting deadline. A reminder that in order to be eligible to vote you must have set up your Member Portal using you membership ID number and a personal email. Reach out to membership department at membership@moveuptogether.ca right away if you have not yet done this and are having issues.

In Solidarity,

Andii Stephens
MoveUP Returning Officer (Interim)

File Number: 20-MOVEUP-ELEC-EC-TRIENNIAL-1669-1671-Triennial EC Election Results – Executive Councillor Areas #1669-#1671-APRIL-29
Union Label: jb:usw2009


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