Meeting Notice

MoveUP Events and Social Planning Committee Meeting Notice – January 9, 2020

November 19, 2019

To: All Events and Social Planning Committee Members

Dear Members of MoveUP Events and Social Planning Committee,

Committee Chair Annette Toth has called a committee meeting with teleconference ability for out-of-town members for Thursday, January 9, 2020.

The meeting will start at 9:30 AM. If this is a working day for you please email so we can arrange a leave of absence letter for you.

Call in details and meeting agenda will be sent closer to the meeting date.

This is an organizing meeting for 2020 and we are asking that you come to this meeting with event ideas and preliminary budgets for this year including suggested dates, gross costs, member contribution amounts and a brief outline of how this event will help MoveUP reach members and/or raise our profile. Be prepared to take the lead on at least one event for 2020.

In Solidarity,

Annette Toth, VP
Events and Social Planning Committee Chair

File Number: 19-E+SP CMTE-Meeting Bulletin - January 10
Union Label: kp:USW2009


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