
BC Hydro – Site C Decision Great News for MoveUP Members

December 11, 2017

To: All MoveUP members at BC Hydro - Site C

The NDP government has announced that construction on the Site C dam will proceed.   

This is very good news for you and all members at Site C, as it means your jobs have been saved and your future is now secure for many years to come.

MoveUP has worked hard over the last number of months to advocate for members at Site C, as the government has struggled with this very difficult decision.   We want to thank you for your patience in seeing this process through to its conclusion.

We’re encouraged that the government has promised to work with First Nations to help resolve their concerns.  There will also be a new Community Benefits Program with a mandate to ensure that project benefits flow to local communities, and increase the number of apprentices and First Nations workers hired onto the project.  

We know that this announcement brings relief to many of our members and their families who are currently working on Site C.  We hope you will now be able to enjoy the holiday season, knowing that your future is bright and your investment in the community is sound.

In Solidarity,

David Black, President
Gwenne Farrell, Vice President, Utilities

File Number: LF-BCH-MOU15
Union Label: DB:cm usw2009