
Review of the Depot and it’s Processes

July 5, 2017

To: All depot coordinators and depot work leaders at Coast Mountain

As you are aware the employer has notified the members and union of its intention to do a review of the depot and its processes. Our understanding of this review is that its primary focus is to identify if centralization is working and if not, what steps should be be taken to correct issues within the structure of the department. This could possibly mean changes to centralization as a whole.

Your union encourages you to participate openly in this process. This is your opportunity to discuss the issues you have been experiencing since centralization and it is our hope that this process facilitates meaningful changes to the depots.

Alicia Gallo
Vice President – MoveUP

File Number: 17-CMBC-BLTN-Review of the Depot
Union Label: AG:lj-usw2009


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