
MoveUP – Job Steward Status Notification

May 29, 2017

To: Former MoveUP Job Stewards

Recently, our office has been contacted by some former job stewards asking why they are no longer a job steward.

The reason your status as a job steward was removed is due to the union office not receiving a completed form reaffirming your wish to continue to be a job steward.

A bulletin titled MoveUP – Job Steward Position – Confirmation Required was distributed to all MoveUP Executive Councillors and Job Stewards on March 20, 2017. It stated it was required of all job stewards to re-affirm their wish to remain a job steward, as per the referenced Article 8.2(c) of the Constitution. 

This bulletin contained a form that job stewards wishing to reaffirm for the next 3-year term were to complete and return to MoveUP no later than the April 30, 2017 deadline.  

The bulletin explained that not returning the form by the deadline would result in your job steward status being removed as of May 1, 2017.

If you happened to forget, accidently deleted it, didn’t read it, or whatever the reason may be the deadline has passed, and as such, you no longer hold a job steward position with MoveUP.

At this time, if wish to recommit yourself to become a job steward again you must contact your bargaining unit’s Vice-President (VP) to request that you be formally appointed. The email addresses for the 3 VPs are listed below.

Your job steward appointment will need to go through the formal process, as if you were a new steward, which includes MoveUP executive board approval.

In order for you to be considered for approval at the June executive board meeting, you must send an email to your VP no later than Friday, June 9, 2017.  Any applications received after the deadline will be put forward for approval at the next scheduled board meeting in August.

In solidarity,

David Black, MoveUP President
Alicia Gallo, Vice-President, Combined Units (agallo@moveuptogether.ca)
Annette Toth, Vice-President, ICBC (atoth@moveuptogether.ca)
Gwenne Farrell, Vice-President, Utilities (gfarrell@moveuptogether.ca)

File Number: 17-MOVEUP-ELEC-JS-Status-Removed-Bulletin-May-29
Union Label: yg: USW 2009


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