
Seaspan ULC – OH&S Committee

June 4, 2020

To All MoveUP Members at Seaspan

Now more than ever, we need to know all of our members are getting the help and support they need. Whether working at the office or from your home, illnesses and injuries may still happen. By having an active Joint Occupational Health and Safety committee, we can alleviate some of those potential concerns that may arise.

The Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee at your office needs your voice.  This committee is made up of both union members and management who ensure your office/worksite is a safe and healthy environment in which to work. We have one vacant seat on the committee representing the MoveUP members at Seaspan ULC. Your employer contacted us in their endeavours to improve the health and safety at your workplace, to achieve this goal, we must have every union represented at the meetings.  We know that in the past this committee has been made up of a limited number of unions, therefore did not accurately reflect the diverse workforce at Seaspan ULC. Now is the time for MoveUP to take a seat at the table and make sure our members concerns are addressed.

In accordance with Workers’ Compensation Act, Division 4, joint occupational health & safety (OH&S) meetings will take place every month to identify and make recommendations that correct unsafe and unhealthy work environments.  You may conduct worksite inspections and participate in any investigations or inquiries of the workplace.

The time you spend on committee business is paid for by the employer.  Every new committee member is required to receive training as soon as possible. In addition, all committee members are entitled to eight (8) hours of education leave each year. All of this training is paid fully by Seaspan ULC, including your time away from work, the course costs and all reasonable expenses.  We recommend that all committee members take their training through the BC Federation of Labour’s Health and Safety Centre.  A list of courses can be found on their website at

If you are interested in joining your Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee or would like more information about what is involved in being on this committee, please contact me at or your MoveUP Vice-President, Christy Slusarenko at

All bargaining unit committee members are appointed by our union’s president, David Black, as outlined in our Constitution.

In solidarity,

Yudon Garie, Union Representative
Christy Slusarenko, Vice-President (Combined Units)

Union Label: YG:sk usw2009


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