
ICBC Site Visit – July 24 & 25 Kamloops Driver Licensing Office

June 27, 2024

To: All Members at ICBC Kamloops DLO

Your union representative will be attending the Kamloops Driver Licensing office as follows:

Date:   Wednesday, July 24 and Thursday, July 25, 2024

Time:   9:30am to 4:30pm

This will be an opportunity for all members to speak with your union representative in a one-on-one session. Your employer has been co-operative with the scheduling of this and is allowing each member a 30-minute session to speak with me. All Client Service Representatives and Driver Examiners will have their appointment schedules adjusted in a manner that provides everyone with an opportunity to meet with me over the two-day period. Should anyone require more than 30-minutes, I will make myself available after-hours as well.

In anticipation of this visit, please consider any questions or concerns that you may want addressed.

In solidarity,

Yudon Garie
Union Representative

File Number: 24-ICBC-BARG-Site Visit Kamloops DLO-June 27
Union Label: YG:skm usw 2009


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