
Teamsters Local 213 – Bargaining Update

July 26, 2022

To: All MoveUP members at Teamsters Local 213

On Monday July 25, 2022 your bargaining committee had its first meeting with the employer at the Teamsters local 213 office in Vancouver.

During this meeting, our committee presented a comprehensive and respectful proposal package to the Employer. There was some back and forth with the Employer but really we are just getting started with the bargaining process. We are hopeful to get the Employer to return to the bargaining table in the near future and will continue to work with them in an attempt to reach a fair and reasonable outcome.

Please be on the lookout for further updates on new developments as they occur.

In Solidarity,

Your bargaining committee,

Phil Bargen, Union Representative
Ronnie Ho, Union Representative
Namrata Minhas, Bargaining Committee
Josh Marola, Bargaining Committee

File Number: 22-Teamsters 213 MBP-BLTN- Bargaining Update
Union Label: PB:hb usw2009


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