
IBEW 230 – Tentative Agreement Reached

August 6, 2024

To: All MoveUP Members at IBEW Local 230

We are pleased to announce that we have reached a tentative collective agreement with your employer. The tentative agreement includes:

  • 4 year agreement with full retroactivity from August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2027 as follows:

Effective August 1, 2024                                    5% Increase to all Categories

Effective August 1, 2025                                    5% Increase to all Categories

Effective August 1, 2026                                    5% Increase to all Categories

Effective August 1, 2027                                    4% Increase to all Categories

  • General Housekeeping
  • Clarified Dispatch language
  • Clarified language on non-family member bereavement leave
  • The 2% vacation bonus on all gross earnings normally paid on December 31 of each year will now be paid on each paycheque moving forward. The 2% vacation bonus on all gross earnings earned up to July 2024 will be paid out to members.

The parties agree to unanimously recommend acceptance of this Memorandum of Agreement to their respective principals.

More information about the ratification vote will be sent when it is available.

In solidarity,

Daniel Storms, Union Representative
Lilja Chong, Job Steward

File Number: 24-IBEW230-BARG-BLTN-Tentative Agreement Reached-August 6, 2024
Union Label: DS/ks usw2009


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