Job Action

CapilanoU – Tentative Agreement Reached

July 21, 2023

To: All MoveUP members at CAPU

Today, because of your passion, commitment and your dedication to taking this fight to your employer, we have reached a tentative agreement with the University.

The University has finally agreed to mediator-recommended terms of settlement, including agreement on several items in the return-to-work protocol that were initially declined and refused. Though we didn’t get everything we were hoping for, we feel it’s fair enough to take to you for a vote.

The strike will be concluded as of today, and all employees will be expected return to work for your regularly scheduled shifts on Monday, July 24, unless you have pre-approved vacation scheduled, a normal day off work due to your scheduled or modified work week, existing leave of absence, sickness or long-term disability or Workers’ Compensation.

We will provide more details shortly, including the MOA for your review and ratification details.

Thank you for your solidarity and support through this process. Though our struggle is never over, we sent a clear message to the Employer that will set us up for further success in subsequent rounds of bargaining. We will stand up. We will fight back.

In solidarity,

Your Job Action Committee:

Dan Victor, JAC
Janet Cox, JAC
Chris Shier, JAC
Dan Dolan, JAC
Dan Kelly, JAC

Your Bargaining Committee:

Darin Feist, Executive Councillor
Eric Roberts, Executive Councillor
Suzanne Perreault, Executive Councillor
Nathan Beausoleil, Union Representative
Christy Slusarenko, Vice-President of Combined Units

File Number: 23-CAPU-BARG-Tentative-Agreement-Reached-July-21
Union Label: NB/js: usw2009


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