
Canadian Freightways – COVID-19 – Update #1

March 20, 2020

To All MoveUP Members at Canadian Freightways

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Human coronaviruses are common and are typically associated with mild illnesses, like the common cold. COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new coronavirus. Symptoms can range from mild illness to pneumonia. Some people will recover easily, and others may get very sick very quickly.

We have been monitoring the situation closely. Things are changing fast. Reports and governmental recommendations are changing daily. We are working diligently to keep track of any mandates from government, discussing changes with your employer, making recommendations and seeking clarity on issues that have any potential impact on the health and safety of our members.

Here is what we can report today:

We have sent communication’s to Canadian Freightways leadership to try and assess what the next move is for staff, and who are most at risk. Everyone is important and everyone has a unique circumstance, but we are trying to prioritize our efforts to be most effective and efficient. As well, we are working to support those with compromised immunity and health concerns, or those who have returned from a trip outside Canada. It is our understanding, as of right now, that there are no cases of COVID-19 within the staff and management at Canadian Freightways.

If you have returned from a trip outside Canada, you must contact HR prior to returning to work. As you have likely heard, regardless of if you are sick or not, you must self-isolate for 14 days prior to returning to work. Employees that are at home and not required to work remotely should contact HR to receive their regular compensation or contact employment insurance.

If you are concerned that you have been exposed to COVID-19, or if you have come into contact with anyone returning from one of the following countries in the last 14 days (China, Iran, Italy, Spain, South Korea), you must self-isolate for 14 days from the point of contact or exposure prior to returning to work. 

If you are feeling unwell:  To protect those most vulnerable, please self-monitor your health and apply a low threshold when feeling unwell. Call in sick and stay home until you are feeling better. Do not work from home if you are sick.

Anyone concerned that they may have been exposed to, or are experiencing symptoms of the novel coronavirus, should contact their primary care provider, local public health office, or call 8-1-1.

Symptoms of COVID-19 are like other respiratory illnesses. Commonly, these are fever/chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose. Shortness of breath and chest pain can be signs of severe illness.

If you are at a higher risk of infection due to diagnosed medical issues, you must self-identify as such to HR. No medical documentation or disclosure of diagnosis will be required, and we will work together with the employer to implement accommodations that reduce your risk of exposure.

Ongoing Operations: We have limited discussion with Canadian Freightways leadership regarding the possibility of implementation of remote operations, including the ability to work from home. At present, the current work model will remain in place until further notice.  Your Union will reach out to members when we have more information and evaluate the need for operations to continue as the pandemic evolves.

We will continue to monitor the situation daily, and we are expecting updated mandates and directives from B.C Government and B.C Health Authority as early as tomorrow. Please feel free to contact a job steward or myself mnovak@moveuptogether.ca  if you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19’s impact on your health and safety in the workplace.

In Solidarity,

Mike Novak

File Number: 20-CF-COVID19-MARCH 20
Union Label: mn:sk usw2009


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