
Avis – Shuttlers Transition Update

February 6, 2018

To: All MoveUP Shuttlers at Aviscar Inc.

Your union met with the employer on January 29 & 30 to discuss integration of the Shuttlers into the collective agreement. We are pleased to report that we have had a productive discussion and have made progress in discussing issues that you have told us are important to you.

·       Casual and regular part-time employment

·       Pension

·       Job descriptions

·       Shuttler trips

·       Contracting out (flip flop)

·       Salary transparency

·       “Shuttler lead” description

·       Wage increase

These issues and concerns were explored during our conversations. Your negotiating team asked numerous questions, sought clarifications and requested additional data to support these discussions and future negotiations.

The shuttler bargaining team was satisfied in the progress we have made in communicating issues, ascertaining important information and data surrounding issues and putting our team in a good position to negotiate a reasonable and fair first collective agreement for the Avis shuttler group at the main negotiations which are scheduled to commence on April 9, 2018.

We feel it was also important to put to rest some rumours that have come about, most specifically about your job security.

It is critically important that you know your jobs are protected and the overall business operations will remain status quo. In other words, there are no concerns about your job functions, your shifts and your job security as these will remain as the way you know it.

MoveUP has represented shuttlers from Hertz and Enterprise and have secured security, fair wages and fair treatment for these members.

During this process, it is important that you understand there may be baseless rumours that are spread. Please ignore these rumours and focus on collectively standing strong as we work through these negotiations.

We will continue to keep you informed of our progress.

In solidarity,

Mike Novak
Union Representative

File Number: 18-AVIS-BLTN-Shuttler Transition Update-Feb 6
Union Label: MN:kc usw2009


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